Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

5 digital marketing company does not collect any personal information about visitors to its site when they access our pages unless they provide us with it with their consent.

This page explains the outlines of our policy in dealing with the information of our customers or visitors to our site, and it is important to read these items carefully to know how this information will be dealt with.

To our commercial partners, when they decide to provide us with any information related to personally, we guarantee that they will not use that information except in relation to the services provided to them by 5 digital marketing, and we also guarantee that they will not disclose that information.

When you visit our site, the site server collects simple information about you, including your Internet number (IP), the time of your visit to the site, the addresses of the pages of our site that you visited, and the web page from which you accessed our site.

When you register for one of our services, you must provide us with correct information related to your personality and others related to the way in which you wish to pay the costs of services, and that required personal information is usually; It is the full name, address, and phone number with the e-mail.

We save this information electronically for our reference when needed.

5 digital marketing company does not exchange, sell or disclose the information that you provide to us to a third party, but rather uses your information to arrange the services that you benefit from.

5 digital marketing company may send some of the information you provide to us to obtain services provided by third parties, such as in order to license some of the programs in your account or to add services that require approval from other parties before benefiting from them.

If you have other privacy-related inquiries that are not addressed on this page, you can email us at info@fived1.com